Naturopathy by Dr. Shikha Gupta
N.D.Y.D, 2002; P.G.D.N.Y.Sc, 2015; B.N.Y, 2015
Service Description
DIRECTOR, HEALTH IS WEALTH, INDIA MD, GLOBAL TOUCH INTERNATIONAL, INDIA EXECUTIVE MEMBER OF SANKALP SWASTHYA SEWA SAMITI, INDIA CO- CONVENER OF WOMEN CELL OF INTERNATIONAL NATUROPATHY ORGANIZATION, INDIA Young and dynamic health entrepreneur, Dr. Gupta strongly believes and practices naturopathy and other natural ways of healthy living. Anyone who is signing up for the sessions with Dr. Gupta must understand that this session is a community initiative and not any kind of healthcare service. Hence, before signing up please consult your primary care or physician, as required. Dr. Shikha Gupta or "Unleash Your Immunity" do not take any responsibility for any health issue or condition arisen related or unrelated whatsoever. Dr. Gupta also runs her own practice - Health is Wealth, Lucknow, India. For one-o-one consultations, schedule an appointment through Contact Us form. Note that "Health is Wealth" is an independent business run by Dr. Gupta and has no direct or indirect association or affiliation with "Unleash You Immunity".